2024-2025 Board Members:
President: Tom Trethewey
Vice President Baseball: Kyle Guido
Vice President Softball: Robert Ritchie
Treasurer: Kat Ritchie
Secretary: Jessica Lopez
Player Agent (Baseball): Juan Garibay
Player Agent (Softball): Kirk Guerrero
Safety Officer: Jeff Fijman
Coaching Coordinator (Baseball): Rudy Lozano
Field & Equipment Manager: Kyle Kuhn
Fundraising: Courtney Hohmann
Social Media & Marketing: Kyle Pesonen
Sponsorship : Jason Hohmann
Concession Coordinator: Tiffany Caloca
Umpire In-Chief: Armmond Greene
Team Mom Coordinator: Courtney Hohmann
Information Officer: Hannah Gomez
Thank you to all of these amazing volunteers who have stepped in to support our volunteer program!
There are still some open positions. Please contact a member if you are interested in joining our team. All help is welcome!